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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Why it’s important to start a retirement plan in your 20’s

Folks, one of the most common excuses I hear younger people make to justify not saving for retirement is that they are still young. Anyone who is nearing retirement will tell you that the years suddenly go by and building a retirement nest egg is much harder the longer you delay saving.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

What Does the Fed’s Interest Rate Cut Mean for Retirees?

The federal funds rate has a number of possible implications on the markets, and how or if they will affect you personally will depend on your unique financial circumstances. And if you’re like many retirees, there could be both positive and negative effects on your finances. 

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Too Late for A Roth? Think Again… 

Unlike a traditional IRA or regular 401(k) plan, you pay the taxes up front when you put money in a Roth account. If you follow the rules of the plan, all the interest you subsequently earn on the investment is tax-free in retirement. By design, the Roth works best for those who contribute early and withdraw late.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Who Should Consider a Mega Backdoor Roth Conversion?

For many folks saving for retirement these days, they have a dizzying array of choices to fund their plan. Heck, just Google “retirement planning” and you’ll get over 4 million hits alone on the subject. You can choose from investments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, bank CDs and money market funds, insurance products, and the list goes on. You also need to consider the account type that will house your investments, from a tax perspective. For example, funds can be invested in a taxable account – think of a brokerage account or other account in which you pay taxes on your gains each year.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

My Advice for College Grads

Ah, graduation season is upon us! College grads from all over the country are seeing their hard work rewarded with the coveted degree. Whether is an associate, bachelor’s or an advanced degree, all signal a significant accomplishment. But as soon as the celebration wears off, and perhaps they’ve taken some time off to decompress over the summer, these graduates will be getting their first taste of the professional job market. For most, they will be faced with a new level of financial independence and responsibility to adjust to.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Persistent Inflation Continues to Cause Pain for Americans

The survey also found that 65% of respondents said that high prices have made their financial situations worse, while just 34% said their family’s monthly income has risen in the past year. Rental costs in particular are proving to be particularly challenging for households, with almost one in five saying that they fell behind on rent at some point in 2023 – up from 17% the previous year.

So, just when will this period of high inflation end, we all want to know? Well, this week let’s dig into what’s going on with inflation and when we might expect some relief.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

The Final Piece of Your Retirement System

Planning for retirement is often considered a marathon, not a sprint. It starts when we’re young and get our first “real” job and we’re encouraged to start contributing to the company’s 401k plan. Over the years, we may seek retirement planning advice from friends or family, but we still have years before we retire so we don’t usually have a real plan at this point. We have a smattering of various financial products that were purchased for specific, isolated needs.

But as we approach our 40’s and 50’s, we start to realize that it’s time to get serious about it.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Financial Lesson to my 23 Year Old

Saving for retirement in your 20’s, or even your 30’s can be relatively painless as opposed to starting in your 40’s or later. While retirement may seem a long way off, putting a plan in place now is a smart move.

While it may not seem like an important task to do now, I told her that saving for retirement is probably the biggest financial goal of her life and starting earlier gives her a number of significant advantages. 

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

I Want to Retire. Don’t I?

The decision to continue working in retirement is both personal and multifaceted. Various studies highlight the range of reasons behind such choices. Get this, a 2023 survey from Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies₁ found that 55% of people said they plan to continue working after retiring, citing both financial reasons and a desire for healthy aging, including staying active.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

A Recession in 2024?

With major economic indicators such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite indices jumping all over the place in recent years, many investors are still on edge and anxiously hoping that a recession is not lurking just around the corner. I am regularly asked if I believe we are in for a recession in 2024, so I want to take our time this week to look at some of the factors that often predate a recession and what tomorrow may hold for the markets.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

401k? A Roth? Which is Right for Me?

If you’re like most retirement savers, you regularly hear a lot of industry acronyms and jargon thrown around by the media, by friends and family, by your employer, and perhaps your financial professional too. Things like the 401k, the 403b, the IRA, The SEP-IRA, the Roth IRA, the Roth 401k . . . I know it’s a lot.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Are You Always Broke? Maybe This Is Why

Are you one of those folks who always works hard and saves regularly, yet still feel like you can’t get ahead? Maybe you have a decent salary and good benefits, and you try and stick to your budget as much as you can - but you feel like the prospect of retirement is worlds away?

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

How to Limit Your RMDs

This week, I’d like to offer four strategies that can help you limit your RMDs if you find you don’t need - or want – the additional income. One straightforward answer is to simply keep working.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Weighing The Costs of ESG Investing

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and refers to the three key factors when measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a business or company.

A growing number of individual investors are also starting to evaluate companies using ESG criteria to screen their own investments as a way to support their personal social agenda.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Resolve To Make Your Retirement Plan a Priority in 2024

It’s 2024 – yes, already – which means it’s “that” time of year again. And by “that”, I mean the time when millions of Americans perform the sometimes anticipated, sometimes dreaded task of setting New Year’s resolutions in an effort to better ourselves in the coming year.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

Women and Retirement

For a variety of reasons, many women already feel they are behind when it comes to being financially prepared for retirement. There are many ways their financial lives can be thrown off-track during their working years that can affect their retirement security.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

A Financial Option for Overachievers

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you were to save too much money for retirement? Folks, it’s a real thing. If you’re one of those rare, disciplined savers who lives a modest life, you may find that you actually have more than you’ll ever need in retirement, maybe lots more.

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Allison Oberton Allison Oberton

The CFG Landscape Crew Wants to be Millionaires

most Americans are behind on this lofty goal. In fact, according to Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, a mere 10% of Americans have saved a million or more for retirement. Just how far off are they? Quite a bit.

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